Ovarian tumor cells gain competitive advantage by actively reducing the cellular fitness of microenvironment cells

Ovarian tumor cells gain competitive advantage by actively reducing the cellular fitness of microenvironment cells

  • E. Madan performed experiments, analyzed the data, wrote the manuscript and provided funding and supervision. A.M.P., V.V., A.K. and P.B. performed experiments, prepared the figures, analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. J.W. performed biostatistical analysis, prepared the figures, analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. T.B. and D.A. performed microscopy experiments, analyzed and interpreted the data, prepared figures and wrote the manuscript. P.C.M., G.B., M.D.B., I.D., H.K. and D.O. performed biostatistical analysis, helped with interpretation of the data and prepared the figures. A. Gogna and A.B. helped with preparation of figures and live-cell and animation videos. M.L.P., M.Y., D.Z., S.P., S.K., K.B., P.M., I.C., E.A.F., A.K.P., S.M., C.J.P., A.L., M.N., S.C., K.G., K.C.G. and K.S.S. helped with collection of pathology tissue material and interpretation and analysis of pathology data, performed experiments and prepared the figures. T.F.A., E.G., A. Gustafsson, G.L., L.N., E.Y. and R.S.-F. helped with design and performance of 3D scaffold and organoid experiments, data analysis and interpretation. K.D.P.D. helped with PDX experiments and interpretation and analysis of data. N.M., M.J.P., K.J.-J. and S.H. helped with design and performance of exosome biology experiments, writing of the manuscript and data analysis and interpretation. Z.S. and W.L.R. helped with design and performance of multiplexing experiments and with data analysis and interpretation. M.B. and P.J. helped with design and with performance, interpretation and analysis of the FISH experiment. H.O.R., F.A.T. and R.B. helped with MR imaging and with interpretation and analysis of data. K.G.A., J.A., G.X., G.S. and S. Singh helped with design and production of the mAbs. S.D., C.L.d.S., A.M.F., D.T., S.R.G., K.P., G.G., G.L.W.G.R. and H.W. helped with editing of the manuscript. A.M.H., A.R. and C.L. helped with design and performance of mass spec analysis. A.S. and P.B.F. helped with writing of the manuscript and by providing laboratory resources, availability of postdoctoral researchers to collaborate and additional laboratory space. G.M.C., Y.L., A.L.O., L.L. and A.A.T. helped with design, performance, data analysis and interpretation of CRISPR-off experiments. A.S.P., U.M., R.D., A.K.G., K.S. and D. Chelmow helped with collection of surgery and pathology tissue material, helped with PDX models, provided expertise on ovarian cancer, helped with design of biomarker potential of the study and helped with design of therapy protocol for ovarian cancer. R.P., J.K., S.R., H.R., S. Sayeed, K.P.K., D. Connolly, K.P.N., M.O.I., M.P.K., C.M., M.A., A.L.-B., D.J., K.D.M., A. Tzankov, S.B., E.A.R. and R.C.M. helped with collection of surgery and pathology tissue material and helped with interpretation of pathology data. A. Tsung and D.S. helped with collection of surgery material, fostered clinical collaborations and helped with data analysis and interpretation. J.T. helped with mouse tumor models and data interpretation and analysis and provided funding and supervision. A.P.S., R.W., K.J.W. and E. Moreno helped with manuscript writing and data interpretation and analysis and provided funding and supervision. R.G. designed the study experiments, organized all collaborations, analyzed and compiled all the data, wrote the manuscript and provided funding and supervision.


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